
NFViews Edit Entry Add-on v1.4.6 is now available for download

NFViews Edit Entry Add-on v1.4.6 is now available for download! This version introduces an exciting new feature that allows you to trigger a specific Action when an Entry is edited from the frontend of your site.

By default, when editing entries using NFViews from the site frontend, no Actions are fired. This makes perfect sense because users wouldn’t want to receive notifications or be redirected to payment gateways again when making edits. However, in some cases, you may need a particular Action to run again when editing an entry. Well, the good news is that it’s now possible to set up a Ninja Forms Action that can run when editing entries.

To enable this Action when editing an entry, you’ll need to start by editing your Action Settings. You can do this by accessing the Form in the backend.

Inside the Action Settings, you’ll notice a new section called “Edit Entry Section.”

Within this section, there’s a handy toggle button that allows you to enable the firing of the Action when Editing an Entry from the frontend.

ninjaform view edit entry action settings

That’s it! Now, whenever you edit a Ninja Form entry using NFViews, this Action will be triggered. You can apply this setting to any Action, such as Email, Mailchimp, and more.

Download the latest version of NFViews Edit Entry Add-on v1.4.6 now and take advantage of this powerful new feature!

The NFViews Edit Entry Add-on is included in the Developer license of NFViews. If you do not currently have an NFViews Developer license, you can easily purchase one from the pricing page.

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